
Function to interact with in memory Nornir Inventory data.

InventoryFun Sample Usage

Sample code to invoke InventoryFun function to create new host:

from nornir_salt.plugins.functions import InventoryFun

host_data = {
    "name": "IOL3",
    "hostname": "",
    "platform": "ios",
    "groups": ["lab", "bma"],
    "connection_options": {
        "napalm": {
            "port": 2022,
            "extras": {
                "foo": "bar"

res = InventoryFun(nr, call="create_host", **host_data)
# or res = InventoryFun(nr, "create_host", **host_data)

Sample code to invoke InventoryFun function to update existing host:

from nornir_salt.plugins.functions import InventoryFun

host_data = {
    "name": "IOL2",
    "hostname": "",
    "platform": "ios_xe",
    "username": "new_username",
    "password": "new_password",
    "port": 123,
    "groups": ["lab", "bma"],
    "data": {
        "made_by": "humans",
    "connection_options": {
        "napalm": {
            "port": 2022,
            "extras": {
                "foo": "bar1"

res = InventoryFun(nr, call="update_host", groups_action="append", **host_data)
# or res = InventoryFun(nr, "update_host", groups_action="append", **host_data)

Sample code to invoke InventoryFun function to delete existing host:

from nornir_salt.plugins.functions import InventoryFun

res = InventoryFun(nr, call="delete_host", name="IOL2")
# or res = InventoryFun(nr, "delete_host", name="IOL2")

Sample code to invoke InventoryFun function to bulk load from list:

from nornir_salt.plugins.functions import InventoryFun

data = [
        "call": "create_host",
        "name": "IOL3",
        "hostname": "",
        "platform": "ios",
        "groups": ["lab", "bma"],
        "call": "delete_host",
        "name": "IOL2",
        "call": "update_host",
        "name": "IOL1",
        "hostname": "",
        "platform": "ios_xe",
        "groups": ["bma"],
        "groups_action": "remove"
        "call": "create",
        "name": "IOL4",
        "hostname": "",
        "platform": "iosxr",
        "groups": ["lab"],

res = InventoryFun(nr, call="load", data=data)
# or res = InventoryFun(nr, "load", data=data)

InventoryFun Reference

nornir_salt.plugins.functions.InventoryFun.InventoryFun(nr, call, **kwargs)

Dispatcher function to execute one of call functions.

  • nr – (obj) Nornir object

  • call – (str) name of function to call

  • kwargs – (dict) arguments to pass on to call function


call function results

Supported call function values:

  • create_host or create - calls _create_host, creates new host or replaces existing host object

  • read_host or read - calls _read_host, read host inventory content

  • update_host or update - calls _update_host, non recursively update host attributes

  • delete_host or delete - calls _delete_host, deletes host object from Nornir Inventory

  • load - calls _load, to simplify calling multiple functions

  • read_inventory - calls _read_inventory, read inventory content for groups, default and hosts

  • read_host_data - calls _read_host_data to return host’s data under provided path keys

  • list_hosts - calls _list_hosts, return a list of inventory’s host names

  • list_hosts_platforms - calls _list_hosts_platforms, return a dictionary of hosts’ platforms

  • update_defaults - calls _update_defaults, non recursively update defaults attributes

Call Functions Reference

nornir_salt.plugins.functions.InventoryFun._create_host(nr, name, groups=None, connection_options=None, **kwargs)

Function to add new host in inventory or replace existing host.

  • nr – (obj) Nornir object

  • name – (str) host name

  • groups – (list) list of host’s parent group names

  • connection_options – (dict) connection options dictionary

  • kwargs – (dict) host base attributes such as hostname, port, username, password, platform, data


True on success

If group given in groups list does not exist, no error raised, it simply skipped.

nornir_salt.plugins.functions.InventoryFun._read_host(nr, **kwargs)

Function to return inventory content for host(s) using FFun function to filter hosts.

  • nr – (obj) Nornir object

  • kwargs – (dict) arguments to use with FFun function to filter hosts


(dict) host(s) inventory dictionary keyed by host name(s)

nornir_salt.plugins.functions.InventoryFun._read_inventory(nr, **kwargs)

Function to return inventory content using FFun function to filter hosts.

  • nr – (obj) Nornir object

  • kwargs – (dict) arguments to use with FFun function to filter hosts


(dict) inventory dictionary with groups, defaults and hosts

nornir_salt.plugins.functions.InventoryFun._read_host_data(nr, keys, default=None, **kwargs)

Function to return hosts data under certain keys.

  • nr – (obj) Nornir object

  • keys – list of strings each string a a dot seprated path to data

  • default – default value to return if key path item not present in host’s data


dictionary keyed by host name with databeing a dictionary keyed by paths

For example if host has this data:

            description: foobar
           asn: 1234

if keys=["config.interfaces.Lo0", "config.bgp", "ntp.config"] this function will return:

    "nrp1": {
        "config.interfaces.Lo0": {"description": "foobar"},
        "config.bgp": {"asn": 1234},
        "ntp.config": None


This function does not support retrievieng individual list items, each item in keys path should refer to a data dictionary key.

nornir_salt.plugins.functions.InventoryFun._update_host(nr, name, groups=None, connection_options=None, data=None, groups_action='append', **kwargs)

Function to update host’s inventory.

  • nr – (obj) Nornir object

  • name – (str) host name

  • groups – (list) list of host’s parent group names

  • groups_action – (str) what to do with groups - append (default), insert (prepend) or remove

  • connection_options – (dict) connection options dictionary

  • data – (dict) dictionary with host’s data

  • kwargs – (dict) host base attributes such as hostname, port, username, password, platform


True on success

data and connection_options replace existing values for top keys similar to dictionary update method, no recursive merge performed.

If group given in groups list does not exist, no error raised, it simply skipped.

nornir_salt.plugins.functions.InventoryFun._delete_host(nr, name)

Function to delete host from inventory.

  • nr – (obj) Nornir object

  • name – (str or list) host name or a list of host names to delete


True on success

nornir_salt.plugins.functions.InventoryFun._load(nr, data)

Accept a list of items, where each item executed sequentially to perform one of the operations to create, update or delete.

  • data – (list) list of dictionary items to work with

  • nr – (obj) Nornir Object

Each list dictionary item should contain call key holding the name of function to call, rest of the dictionary used as a **kwargs with specidfied call function.

nornir_salt.plugins.functions.InventoryFun._list_hosts(nr, **kwargs)

Function to return a list of host names contained in inventory.

Supports filtering using FFun function.

  • nr – (obj) Nornir object

  • kwargs – (dict) FFun function arguments to filter hosts


(list) list of host names

nornir_salt.plugins.functions.InventoryFun._list_hosts_platforms(nr, **kwargs)

Function to return a dictionary keyed by host names containing platforms details.

Supports filtering using FFun function.

  • nr – (obj) Nornir object

  • kwargs – (dict) FFun function arguments to filter hosts


(list) list of host names

nornir_salt.plugins.functions.InventoryFun._update_defaults(nr, connection_options: Optional[dict] = None, data: Optional[dict] = None, password: str = Ellipsis, platform: str = Ellipsis, port: int = Ellipsis, username: str = Ellipsis, **kwargs) bool

Function to update defaults inventory.

  • nr – (obj) Nornir object

  • connection_options – (dict) dictionary with defaults’s connection options data to update. Should be keyed by connection name with value being a dictionary of connection attributes - hostname, port, username, password, platform and extras dictionary

  • data – (dict) dictionary with defaults’s data to update

  • kwargs – (dict) additional key-value pairs to add into defaults data


True on success

Replaces existing values for top keys similar to dictionary update method, no recursive merge performed.